Thursday, 27 September 2018

Ship Ahoy!

The weeks are absolutely flying by because we are all having so much fun in Year 2!

In maths we have been learning all about different measurements on our rulers and how to identify right angles and other angles on differing shapes. We have also been practising our multiplying and dividing fractions in some very complicated maths stories!

Our pirate theme is still in full force and getting better and better as the days go past!

We all had some great times making pirate ships whilst in forest school. There were many different resources we used, including tyres, straw bales and drainage pipes.

We also had a very special visitor who came into our classes - Jed’s mum from our story ‘A New Home for a Pirate’! Children enjoyed being Jed's mother (in 2YF) and asked some very interesting questions about her son not wanting to be a pirate anymore! Year 2’s have gained even more pirate ship knowledge and all rather fancy leaving Copthill to become a pirate!

Wishing you all a fun-filled weekend!

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Hard times!

Gosh time flies in Year 2 when you're having fun!

In Maths we have been continuing to learn where to accurately position the hour and minute hand on the clock to tell the time for o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We have also been finding lines of symmetry on 2D shapes.

Continuing with our Pirate theme, we have been looking at characters in another exciting Pirate book and retelling the story from their point of view.

We also have had great fun making hard tack biscuits with added weevils for us to share with our delicious grog in Forest School. We also made some wonderful pirate bandanas using, pens, feathers and raffia. We thought we looked like real Pirates and even managed to act like them too!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Finding our way!

Wow - Yet another busy week in Year 2!

This week we started off our Outdoor Learning Session by feeding apples to our resident pigs.

After some cloud-spotting, we improved our navigational skills by learning how to use a compass. We then managed to successfully navigate our way to the woods for Pirate Grog and weevil biscuits! Yummy!

We have been busy learning about treasure maps and have made our own maps plotting key features along the way!

Our pirates's display in the corridor is coming on a treat, the children have really enjoyed changing their faces to become menacing pirates which will be used to show themselves busy at work on the ship and finding the treasure on the huge treasure map.

We have voted for our class councillor. It was a very strict procedure. The children had to place two crosses on their ballot sheet after Mrs Flynn has relayed the rules to them. Their manifestos were very well thought out - competition amongst Year 2 was pretty fierce!

We hope that the children are all settling into Year 2 and look forward to another action-packed time next week!

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Welcome to Year 2!

A very warm welcome back to the previous Year 1s and a special welcome to Copthill to our four new children. We hope you have all enjoyed your first week in Year 2!

We have had a wonderful start to the new academic year. Year 2 are settling well into their new classes, whilst being very busy learning new routines and making new friends. We have delved into our new Pirates topic and have been sharing our ideas and learning new facts. Year 2 now know their way around a Pirates' ship and have learnt about some of their jobs and sayings whilst they are sea bound.

Here we are at the Fort - we seem to be getting into Pirate mode!

Have a grrrrrrreat weekend everybody!

Ball's and Beetles...

Here we are again with 3 weeks to go until we break up for our Christmas Holidays! In RE we have been looking at the Christmas story. The ch...