Tuesday, 10 December 2019

The run up to Christmas!

Well as we are now on the run up to Christmas, we have got lots of jam packed days with lots of creative and magical things to do.

We started off the week with Forest School, this enabled us to channel the Christmas energy and save it for a weeks time! We played around in the winter leaves and  had so much fun!

In maths we have been using the new chrome books to show off our super maths skills on Mathletics which we have all enjoyed.

In English we have looked at rhyming couplets and 'Elf'' and 'Shelf'' seemed to come up quite a lot so we now know what goes on in all of your houses running up to Christmas!

Our new topic after the holidays is Famous People. Over the holidays it would be brilliant if you could do some research as the homework is to make a poster on your famous person so we can then talk about them when we get back to school.

Wishing you all a fabulous holiday.
Merry Christmas
From Year 2!

Monday, 2 December 2019

Its all coming together!

This week in Year 2 we have been doing lots of prepping for our Christmas display! We looked at what we could do to or houses to make sure they look like our actual houses and how we could make them look Christmassy! We even had Mums and dads drawn in the window of the houses to look like they were looking out. They all look amazing and have been a massive contribution to our display!

Friday morning included 2U going on a stick hunt in order for them to be decorated to also go on the display... half of them ended up coming back with a full willow tree which Mrs Underwood was pleased about!

Both classes came together to look at some poetry and write their very own poems. There were some great ideas and I'm sure you will be seeing some of those on our working wall.

Also can we remind you that the children need navy skins for games and not black especially now it has turned a lot colder.

We hope you have a great weekend and hopefully the sun will make an appearance!

Friday, 22 November 2019


Year 2 have done lots of exciting things this week.

They have been doing some really hard maths which included adding and subtracting all in the same sums! They have all worked super hard and their maths brains have certainly been challenged this week!

Thursday afternoon was all about Joe Wicks... unfortunately we didn't have him in school but we were very close to it by looking at some of his workouts and even doing them which helped us to learn different exercises that keep us fit and healthy. Also in our Healthy Lifestyle topic we looked at hygiene and how we can keep the germs away as much as possible, especially at this time of year!

In forest school the children got a super warm snack of soup, they helped make this by using tomatoes, carrots, onion, celery, pasta and cheese. All of them agreed it was very yummy and the soup round their mouths also told us they had loved it!

Ball's and Beetles...

Here we are again with 3 weeks to go until we break up for our Christmas Holidays! In RE we have been looking at the Christmas story. The ch...