Friday, 5 July 2019

The sun shines and we are loving it!

Another fabulous week in Year 2 -  we have been learning new skills; the Japanese craft of hapazome where we foraged and collected fruit, flowers and leaves to make some amazing flags. We also have been sketching them noting the difference in colour for light and shade.

Measuring skills in maths - we have been estimating and weighing items - shoes, rulers, glue sticks, teddies, water bottles to name a few. We have also been doing similar with measuring length.

In English we have been thinking about metaphors, verbs and descriptive phrases for a mermaid. We have also been exploring what she could be thinking and where she was going.

We have been continuing our journey around the coastline and have popped into St Ives and visited many attractions there - I Should Coco was definitely a hit - as was the visit to Barbara Hepworth's Sculpture Park.

Our last week next week. Very sad to be leaving Year 2, but excited about our new classes in Year 3. Another great week ahead is planned.

Have a lovely weekend everybody!

Ball's and Beetles...

Here we are again with 3 weeks to go until we break up for our Christmas Holidays! In RE we have been looking at the Christmas story. The ch...