Monday, 30 September 2019

Rainy days!

In Maths we have been learning about lines of symmetry in 2D shapes, we have also been looking around the classroom at different things we can see lines of symmetry in.

We have been continuing with our pirate theme and have been retelling the story whilst describing how the characters in the book have been feeling using some amazing adjectives! We have also started our new Pirate book 'New home for a Pirate'.

In forest school we landed on treasure island and were put to the challenge of solving riddles and tackling obstacles to find the map to the treasure. We looked like proper pirates with our bandannas on that we had made last week.

We also learnt about citizenship in PSHE, so we then understood why we have things like the national anthem for our country and why we support our country in things such as the Rugby World Cup.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, 20 September 2019

Cartwheeling into our third week in Year 2!

In maths we have been starting to learn where to accurately position the hour hand on the clock to tell the time for o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.

Continuing with our Pirate theme, we have been looking at characters in another exciting pirate book, we have also been making our own treasure maps but using cold tea to give it the old effect!

In PE Year 2 have been doing some gymnastics and working on their amazing cartwheels and in games they have been working on changes of direction whilst moving and how we can use our arms to make us run faster... Year 2 are super fast!

In Forest School Year 2 have been very creative and have been making pirate bandannas from calico and natural dyes and prints! They also made some eye patches from leaves so they will soon look like proper pirates!

Have a great weekend and hopefully the lovely weather will last a bit longer!

Friday, 13 September 2019

Preparing to launch the ships!

Wow- what a busy week in Year 2!

We started off the week with some painting, turning our own faces into pirates, getting ready for our pirate display.

There has also been some super column addition and shape work going on, there are some amazing mathematicians in Year 2!

To finish our week off we ended up in our favourite place... the forest! The most amazing ships have been built ready to board by our fellow class mates all by using natural materials and tarpaulin. Super effort!

We hope that the children are all settling into Year 2 and look forward to another action-packed time next week!

Homework:The children are to make a pirate ship.  This can take any form they wish, either 2D or 3D.  They can use any materials they like and the level of detail is up to them.  Please can you make sure that their creations are with us by Monday 14th October so that they have time to present them to the class.

There will also be an email being sent out to inform you of this.

Ball's and Beetles...

Here we are again with 3 weeks to go until we break up for our Christmas Holidays! In RE we have been looking at the Christmas story. The ch...