Friday, 28 February 2020

Light bulbs are shining!!

This week we have been getting back into the swing of things by using our amazing shape recognising skills. We have looked at 3D shapes and learning how to count the faces, vertices and sides.

We have already had an amazing project about a tourist attraction in the local area and we hope to see many more.
The children have been looking at electricity and created their own circuits to learn how they work.

Their has been some amazing work this week!

A number of children have come to school again without pencils and other stationary. Please make sure their pencil cases have been checked.

Have a lovely weekend! Lets hope the weather picks up!

Thursday, 27 February 2020


Our creative curriculum homework this half term is to make a poster, leaflet or a presentation about a local attraction. 

Please continue to work on times tables (2,5,10, 3's), number bonds and spellings.

Also, keep up the amazing job supporting the children with their reading.

Kind regards 
Year 2 staff

Friday, 7 February 2020

We are officially astronauts!

In maths this week we have been doing measuring and looking at different units of measurement. This includes distance, mass and volume. 

In English we have taken on the role of being Neil Armstrong, we have been writing diary entry's using our senses to help us describe what it was like landing on the moon. 

We also had our trip to the Space Centre which was amazing. We learnt lots of amazing things and the children loved the planetarium. This allowed us to get some more knowledge on our topic of Space.

Have a lovely weekend!

Monday, 3 February 2020

A week of Traditional tales!

In Maths we were working our column addition and subtraction. This is helping us to become amazing at our number bonds!

In English we have been looking at Traditional tales and what words they use to describe the characters. We have come up with some awesome words!

In Creative Curriculum we have been looking at Neil Armstrong, the children have loved this. There is a link at the bottom that can track the International space station so you are able to see it in the sky.

In Art we have been painting our famous people to create our hall of fame. When you walk through the corridor have a look and see whether you recognise any!

Can we please remind parents to try and have a check of the children's stationary over the holiday as some pencil cases seem to be running a bit low.

We are looking forward to our trip this week and i'm sure there will be lots of photos to show you of our day out!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Ball's and Beetles...

Here we are again with 3 weeks to go until we break up for our Christmas Holidays! In RE we have been looking at the Christmas story. The ch...