Friday, 25 September 2020

Shiver me timbers!!

Ahoy from the pirates of Copthill! Another week of pirates has come to an end and we seem to be getting busier and more 'Piratey' as it goes on.

In Forest School the children had to build and construct their own pirate ships in groups. We learnt the different names of parts on a pirate ship which is going to help us when we are captains of real pirate ships by half term!

We have had a massive number bond breakthrough this week in maths as the children pick up the knowledge they need to help them do basic maths sums.  Please could you encourage them to work on counting in 2's, 5's and 10's both forwards and backwards at home.

In art we have been drawing treasure maps and making ourselves look like real life pirates by using a picture of our face and painting the body of a pirate onto it. Some of us really could be accepted onto a pirate ship without a second glance!

As Autumn goes on, we are well aware that the weather is changing and seems to have done so rather rapidly! Please make sure your child has got their wellies, their waterproof coat and their fleece with them at all times.

Also please make sure the children have a named water bottle in school as we don't have access to cups apart from at lunchtime  I know there's lots to remember and quite often they get left in school but as long as they are named we are able to fill them with fresh water.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Au Natural...

 This week has flown by and we are making the most of the gorgeous weather and not having to wear our scarves, hats and gloves for Forest School!

As you might have heard from the children our topic is pirates! We have been busy filling our time given to become a pirate before we have to move on to our next topic. (We can only apologise now if your child is saying Ahoy me hearties as their new way of saying hello!)  

In English this week we have been looking at simple sentences and forming sentences to match a storyboard. The children have very good memories and have enjoyed the book we have been reading 'The Night Pirates.'

Maths was very exciting as we have been using natural materials to create numbers on 'ten frames.'  We have been continuing with our number bond work and using the 0-99 square on the playground to reinforce our learning.

In Forest School we used natural materials to make pirate portraits. The children were very imaginative and produced some lovely portraits, along with some interesting pirate names that they invented.  

Our Creative Curriculum homework for this half term is to design and make a pirate ship.  We have spoken to the children about this today.  You can use any materials that you like - we have had Lego models, a ship made from conkers, one from a pumpkin and even a chocolate brownie pirate ship in previous years.  The children can bring their creations into school any time before October half term, they don't all need to be in on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend! We look forward to seeing you all Monday!

Friday, 11 September 2020

All aboard the Year 2 pirate ship!!

 Well here we are, back to our weekly blog about how busy the children have been and what they've been up to! 

What an amazing week welcoming everyone back into school and its so lovely to see all those smiling faces again. I hope you all had an amazing break.

This week in math's we have been working on our number bonds to 10 and making sure we understand these in order to help us with our addition and subtraction. 

On Wednesday afternoon we had a lovely time up in the forest putting our imagination to work by making different shops using saucepans and pots. We also had some children that made restaurants and they were followed up by their very own handmade menu!

We did some pirate yoga to finish off a busy week!

Just a few quick things to reiterate:

Kit days

Monday- Come in uniform and bring kit in case.
Tuesday- Please come in kit and bring uniform to get changed into. 
Wednesday- Come in uniform and bring kit in case.
Thursday-Please come in kit and bring uniform to get changed into.
Friday-Come in uniform and bring kit in case.


Year 2 will be given 3 books on a Monday and they are to be brought back on a Friday. Unfortunately due to the current situation the children wont be able to have books midweek therefore it may be the case that we re-read the books with them at school just to make sure we are hearing them read at least once a week. 

We would love to see what other books the children are reading at home so please feel free to write them in their reading record if you would like to.

Your child should also have a pair of white socks and a pair of red and navy stripy socks in their bag as they wear white socks for PE and red and navy striped socks for Games.

Ball's and Beetles...

Here we are again with 3 weeks to go until we break up for our Christmas Holidays! In RE we have been looking at the Christmas story. The ch...