Friday, 20 November 2020
Ball's and Beetles...
Friday, 13 November 2020
Mummies and Mayhem!
Friday, 6 November 2020
Walk like an Eygptian...
Pirates to Egyptians... what more do we want of these Year 2's?
What a lovely first week back looking at the Egyptians. The children have settled back into the school routine extremely well even if it is a lot colder and darker in the mornings!
There have been giggles and smiles as we posed for the camera on Thursday and made sure the bed hair was under control.
In English we have been looking at rhyming words and recognising them in the story we are reading.
In Math's, times tables, times tables, times tables is probably the best way to explain what we have been up to.
We have become experts at Geography by locating Egypt on the map and also looking at the River Nile. In Forest School we did some den building using natural materials.
Please could you encourage your child to learn to tie their own tie. One of the Copthill Challenge Scheme challenges is to learn a new skill. With the current restrictions that are in place nationally, it's even more of a challenge than usual so we are happy to class learning to tie a tie as a new skill and will sign this off as soon as your child can show us that they can do it.
Our Independent Explorer homework for this half term is based around our topic of Ancient Egypt. Your child should choose a part of Ancient Egyptian history that interests them and produce a piece or work about it - this does not have to be a life size pyramid, it can be a picture, PowerPoint, poem, story, A4 fact file or anything that your child would like to do.
Have a great weekend!
Ball's and Beetles...
Here we are again with 3 weeks to go until we break up for our Christmas Holidays! In RE we have been looking at the Christmas story. The ch...

We feel like Egyptians... The start of the week began with some Egyptian research undertaken at home by year 2 which they then presented t...
Well that’s the first half of the spring term gone in a flash! Year 2 have had an incredible visit to the Space Centre in Leicester thi...