We have continued to learn about how to use Mathletics and had some interesting discussions about our 'sticky question' - it was quite an even split as to whether an elephant or a giraffe would make the better footballer! A sound walk around school provided some interesting moments on Thursday afternoon, there was much excitement
In Forest School, 'treaure' was made from clay and there were some beautiful conker bracelets and necklaces that were carefully put together. The children learned about how a kelly kettle works and practised creating sparks to light a fire. The highlight of the afternoon was a rather waterlogged rope walk to find a treasure chest!
Pencil cases are being sent home today - please check and refill them where necessary.
Our topic for the first three weeks after half term will be 'Healthy Living'. The homework for the topic will be to create a poster based upon whichever aspect of healthy living that your child prefers. You are very welcome to make a start on these over half term if you so wish.
We hope that you have a fantastic half term and we look forward to seeing everyone (in winter uniform) on Monday 4th November.