Thursday, 31 January 2019

Oh we do like to be beside the river...

Luckily for 2D the sun was shining during our Outdoor Learning session so we went to have a bit of time by the river. We could see the 'flow' of the river and spotted bird footprints in the river bank.

We then did a blindfold trail reading braille letters and finished off with a bit of fire-lighting. 

Dark dens were made by 2F and they looked at constellations. They will hope to be star-gazing this weekend!

We have had fun with fractions! We have found parts of fractions and shaded them. Some of us even looked at equivalent fractions! 

Our famous person this week was Captain James Cook. We looked at his voyages and thought about what we would need to take with us if we were to be on Endeavour for almost 3 years!

Have a great weekend - get the fire lit and wrap up! Let's hope that there may be some snow!

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